How it works
Read & Learn about Insurance
Read through some of the clipping and information we have provided in our website guides and resources. Try to understand the benefits of everything you ever (or never) wanted to know about insurance. If you still need some assistance or explanation, give us a call and our customer service rep will assist you!!! We are here to help Consumer, Business, and Providers have better relationship with their insurance advisor.
Share some information & receive price automatically
Tell us a little about yourself, put all of the relevant information in our intuitive quoting system or dashboard back end, and confirm coverage options. Some products will not have live prices and will require an agent to call directly to interested party at a schedule time.
Compare companies & Benefits
Tell us a little about yourself, put all of the relevant information in our intuitive quoting system or dashboard back end, and confirm coverage options. Some products will not have live prices and will require an agent to call directly to interested party at a schedule time.
Apply & Get covered
Apply for the insurance product of interest: Buy, pay & manage insurance products, open support ticket and open claims through our backend customer dashboard.
We've placed 10+ million in coverage
Starting from State of Wyoming and Florida we have place over 10 millions in coverage. Helping customers get insured and manage all of their insurance needs via our administrative portal.
Our licenced customer service reps
If anything needs further explanation, do not hesitate to open a ticket, give us a call during business hours, schedule a call with us and/or send us an email.
Top questions people ask to us
- First and foremost our licensed customer service reps focus on great advice, notpushy sales. They’re all salaried, not commissioned, so they’ll be on your side.
- We make website simple, intuitive, responsive and variable.
- Offer clear explanation of product with fountain of information within our guides and resources.
- Benefit information, claims management, dedicated insurance email and insurance portal creation all in one place within your customer’s dashboard.
- Provide all the top insurance carriers that we can on a given demographic, if an insurance CARRIER is not with us, is their CHOICE not ours.
- As a company, we get reimbursed through multiple methods, sometimes we get paid through commission, other times are a flat fee, and/or through a subscriptions model…. YET insurance companies do not pass these commissions cost to consumers, think of them as a marketing fee for providing the insurance company with a beneficiary/customer. Some companies choose to spend this marketing budget on a GECKO, lady name FLO, the Bad Luck Guy, and others use a General.
- We try to focus on providing value to the relationship of insurance and consumers, to keep you coming back.
- Simple answer is NO….. As a sales, administrator and representative of multiple carriers we do not have authority to control price from insurance carriers. Our prices are not cheaper or any more expensive; all things being equal; if you go with us or if you go with the insurance carrier directly.
- The mathematical computations & variables use to get to a price are managed by insurance carriers DIRECTLY, cannot change often and needs to be submitted to state regulators yearly. As an added bonus, is illegal to altered insurance prices that have been authorized by state regulators.
Available products
Critical Illness
Our latest guides & resources
Decoding Health Care Jargon in the 2020 Election
Confused by the health care jargon in the 2020 election? This guide breaks down the key terms like Medicare for All, single-payer, and pre-existing conditions.
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Confused by the health care jargon in the 2020 election? This guide breaks down the key terms like Medicare for All, single-payer, and pre-existing conditions.
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Discover how Rupert Boneham became a reality TV icon long before the Kardashians, turning his "Survivor" fame into a lifelong mission to help others through his nonprofit work.
Read moreWould You Get Divorced to Save Money? Understanding Strategic Divorce
Discover how some couples are using strategic divorce as a financial tool to save on taxes and qualify for financial aid. Learn the pros and cons here.
Read moreWorried About a Tax Audit? Here’s Why They’re Rarer Than Ever
IRS audits are rarer than ever due to budget cuts, but they can still happen. Learn why the audit rate has dropped and how to avoid IRS scrutiny.
Read moreIs Your Pumpkin Spice Latte Habit Wrecking Your Budget?
Discover whether your love for Pumpkin Spice Lattes is secretly draining your wallet and how to enjoy fall’s favorite drink without blowing your budget.
Read moreIt's easy to start saving
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