
Could Wonky Government Math Ruin Your Retirement Savings?

08/06/2024 Jose S Garcia

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Learn how government changes to inflation measurement, like the shift to chained CPI, could impact your retirement savings. Discover strategies to protect your financial future.

Could Wonky Government Math Ruin Your Retirement Savings?


Retirees depend on Social Security to fund their post-work lives. But the program sits on shaky financial ground. The Social Security Board of Trustees projects that the program's trust fund reserves will run out by 2035, leaving only enough revenue to fund 80% of scheduled benefits. One proposal for filling the funding gap involves changing how inflation is measured. This change could significantly impact your retirement savings. Image Description: An elderly couple reviewing their retirement savings plan.

The Role of Cost of Living Allowances (COLAs)

Social Security benefits rise every year based on inflation, known as Cost of Living Allowances (COLAs). Traditionally, the size of these increases was based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI). However, policymakers now propose using a different measure known as chained CPI, which calculates inflation growth more slowly than traditional CPI. This slower growth means that Social Security benefits would increase at a slower rate. Image Description: A graph showing the difference between traditional CPI and chained CPI.

Understanding Chained CPI

To understand chained CPI, it's essential to first understand regular CPI. Both are designed to measure inflation, or how much prices increase over time. Regular CPI assumes that if prices go up, people end up spending more money. Chained CPI, on the other hand, considers substitutions—the idea that if something becomes more expensive, people will buy a cheaper alternative. For example, if the price of milk rises, people might buy orange juice instead. Chained CPI aims to account for these substitutions more accurately. Image Description: An infographic explaining how chained CPI accounts for substitutions in spending.

Impact on Social Security

Although the difference between traditional CPI and chained CPI might seem minor, about 0.3% slower growth per year, this difference compounds over time. The Center for Retirement Research estimates that the average monthly benefit would be 6.5% lower under chained CPI by the time a retiree reaches 85. This reduction would help cut a significant portion of Social Security's funding deficit but also leave retirees with less money. Image Description: A chart showing the projected reduction in Social Security benefits due to chained CPI.

Alternative Measures: CPI-E

Some argue that the government should use another measure of inflation called CPI-E, specifically designed to capture the consumption patterns of the elderly. CPI-E would increase cost of living expenses by almost 0.3% more each year compared to chained CPI. If both measures were implemented, the financial benefit to the federal budget from switching to chained CPI would be offset by the switch to CPI-E. Image Description: An infographic comparing CPI-E, chained CPI, and traditional CPI.

Preparing for Retirement

In addition to Social Security, the government has started using chained CPI to adjust tax brackets. Since President Donald Trump signed the 2017 tax law, tax brackets have been indexed to chained CPI. This change means brackets grow slower, making it easier for people to move into higher tax brackets and pay more taxes.

To safeguard your retirement, it's crucial to maximize contributions to your 401(k) or other retirement accounts. If you're over 50, take advantage of the catch-up contributions. Consider using a Health Savings Account (HSA) to cover medical expenses tax-free. Image Description: A financial advisor helping a couple plan their retirement savings strategy.


Government decisions on how to measure inflation can significantly affect your financial plans. Understanding these changes and preparing accordingly can help ensure your retirement savings remain secure. Stay informed and proactive in managing your retirement accounts to mitigate the impact of these policy changes. Image Description: A couple feeling confident and secure about their retirement savings.

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