
Money Pro Tips: A Q&A with Insurance Expert Beth Koscianski

08/28/2024 Jose S Garcia

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Get money pro tips from Beth Koscianski, an insurance expert. Learn how she manages her finances, her best money advice, and more.

Money Pro Tips: A Q&A with Insurance Expert Beth Koscianski

Each week, we ask a personal finance or business expert for their money pro tips. This week we talked to Beth Koscianski, an insurance expert. Here's a look at her approach to managing finances and her best advice.

Last Thing You Resisted Buying

Q: What was the last thing you resisted buying?
A: A pricey vacation.

Q: How did you resist it?
A: I took a hard look at my budget and decided it wasn’t the right time to splurge on a luxury trip.

Last Thing You Splurged On

Q: What was the last thing you splurged on?
A: An Amtrak ticket to visit my parents (instead of taking the much cheaper bus).

Q: Why’d you OK the splurge?
A: It saved me a lot of time on this particular day, making the extra cost worth it for the convenience.

Biggest Money Worry

Q: What’s your biggest money worry?
A: Credit card debt.

Q: What are you doing about it?
A: I recently started a strict budgeting program to tackle my debt more effectively.

Money Thing You’re Most Proud Of

Q: What money-related achievement are you most proud of?
A: My good credit score.

Best Financial Advice You Ever Got

Q: What’s the best financial advice you’ve ever received?
A: Don’t ignore bills or financial issues! They don’t go away if you just ignore them. You’ve got to make a plan and tackle them head on.

1 Money Tip

Q: What’s your number one money tip?
A: Have an emergency fund that covers at least two months of expenses. This cushion can make a huge difference in a financial emergency.

What Would You Do with a $1 Million Windfall?

Q: What would you do if you received a $1 million windfall?
A: I’d buy a house! Then, I would split the rest between investment accounts and high-yield savings accounts.

Debunk a Money Myth

Q: What’s a common money myth you’d like to debunk?
A: It’s not “impolite” to talk about money with your friends. You’d be surprised how many great conversations can come from it, and it can be incredibly informative.

How Do You Budget?

Q: How do you budget?
A: I use the app You Need A Budget (YNAB) right now!

Money Must-Read

Q: What’s a must-read money book you recommend?
A: "The Financial Diet" — It’s approachable financial advice written by women, for women.

Best Money You Ever Spent

Q: What’s the best money you ever spent?
A: The difference in rent I pay every month for a place in New York City vs. my hometown. Living in the city offers me opportunities and experiences that make the higher cost worth it.

Worst Money You Ever Spent

Q: What’s the worst money you ever spent?
A: An Equinox membership. I didn’t use it nearly enough to justify the cost.

Credit or Debit?

Q: Do you prefer credit or debit?
A: Credit.

Most Common Question People Ask You About Money

Q: What’s the most common question people ask you about money?
A: Is it rude to ask for more money when I negotiate my salary?

Q: What’s your answer for them?
A: No. If you believe your skills are worth it, then you should always feel OK asking for more.

Want more money pro tips? Check out our finance blogs.

Money Pro Tips Description: A person reading financial tips from Beth Koscianski, an insurance expert, reflecting on their own money management strategies.

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