
Money Pro Tips: A Q&A with Licensed Adviser Jeff Buehler

08/28/2024 Jose S Garcia

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Get money pro tips from Jeff Buehler, a licensed adviser. Learn how he manages his finances, his best money advice, and more.

Money Pro Tips: A Q&A with Licensed Adviser Jeff Buehler

Each week, we ask a personal finance or business expert for their money pro tips. This week, we talked to Jeff Buehler, a licensed adviser. Here's a look at how he manages his finances and his best advice for others.

Last Thing You Resisted Buying

Q: What was the last thing you resisted buying?
A: AirPods.

Q: How did you resist it?
A: I already have two pairs of headphones. Do I really need another?

Last Thing You Splurged On

Q: What was the last thing you splurged on?
A: A trip to New Orleans.

Q: Why’d you OK the splurge?
A: I’ve been meaning to go there for too long now. I had to make it happen.

Current Money Goal

Q: What’s your current money goal?
A: Save for a house.

Q: How are you working toward it?
A: Putting 5% of each paycheck into a money market account.

Money Thing You’re Most Proud Of

Q: What money-related achievement are you most proud of?
A: Starting to save for retirement at age 22.

Best Financial Advice You Ever Got

Q: What’s the best financial advice you’ve ever received?
A: Make a budget, especially once you start paying rent or a mortgage.

Worst Financial Advice You Ever Got

Q: What’s the worst financial advice you’ve ever received?
A: Day trading options is a good idea.

No. 1 Money Tip You Give to People

Q: What’s your number one money tip?
A: Invest long-term when you’re young. You’ll thank yourself later.

What Would You Do with a $1 Million Windfall?

Q: What would you do if you received a $1 million windfall?
A: Invest 95% and splurge on a European or Asian vacation with the rest.

How Do You Budget?

Q: How do you budget?
A: I build an Excel sheet listing expenses, income, and savings trajectories.

Money Book, Podcast, or Blog You Recommend

Q: What money book, podcast, or blog do you recommend?
A: Freakonomics.

Best Money You Ever Spent

Q: What’s the best money you ever spent?
A: Tuition at Penn State.

Worst Money You Ever Spent

Q: What’s the worst money you ever spent?
A: Spending a bit too much on FIFA.

Credit or Debit?

Q: Do you prefer credit or debit?
A: Credit 98% of the time.

Most Common Question People Ask You About Money

Q: What’s the most common question people ask you about money?
A: What should I do with excess cash?

Q: What’s your answer to that?
A: Don’t keep it in a checking or savings account — either invest in a low-risk exchange-traded fund or put it in a money market account.

Want more money pro tips?Check out our finance blogs.

Money Pro Tips Description: A person reading financial tips from Jeff Buehler, a licensed adviser, reflecting on their own money management strategies.

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