Green Life

How to Find the Time & Money for a Home Cooking Habit

08/09/2024 Jose S Garcia

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Learn how to find the time and money for a home cooking habit with tips on meal planning, prepping ahead, keeping recipes simple, and utilizing leftovers.

How to Find the Time & Money for a Home Cooking Habit

With the hectic and activity-filled lives we all live, getting an inexpensive and healthy meal on the table every night can seem like a tall order. Fast food and prepared meals have some obvious advantages: they are quick and easy. But the cons outweigh the pros. Most are chock-full of preservatives, chemicals, or other ingredients our bodies don’t need. In most cases, the cost of convenience can add up at the register. What you save in time, you lose at the bank.

To feel good about the food you’re giving your family every night, make meal planning a priority. It doesn’t take a lot of time or much extra effort. When you focus on buying the right ingredients and taking the time to cook, you will feel it in your health and your wallet. Here are a few easy steps to eat on a budget.

Shop with Purpose

Weekends usually allow for a break from the hectic weekday routine. The kids are doing activities or on playdates. Use this time to figure out what you want to cook for the week and make a list of the items you need to get those meals on the table. If you stick to the list, you won’t buy ingredients in excess and you also won’t find a bunch of junk food in the cart inflating your food costs.

Prep Ahead of Time

As tempting as it is to throw everything in the fridge after shopping, there is a better way. For example, if you know the beef stew you want to make on Tuesday requires three carrots, peel and chop them, place them in some Tupperware, and store them. When you are ready to cook, those few minutes of prep can save you at crunch time when everyone is ravenous and yelling, “Geez mom, is dinner ready yet?”

Keep It Simple

As much as I love tackling a complicated recipe, I save those for weekends and special occasions. Monday through Friday, it’s all about minimal prep, a few healthy seasonal ingredients, and maximum flavor results. “One pot wonder” is my middle name and should be yours too. Once you get into a rhythm, you will be pleasantly surprised at how many meals you can put together that don’t require many ingredients.

Leftovers Are a Good Thing

Take that beef stew you made on Tuesday and pop it in your kid’s lunch thermos. My kids love hot food for lunch and we all know stews taste better the second day. It beats the pizza and French fries they will inevitably buy otherwise in the school cafeteria. Remember, grandma always cooked for 10 to 12 even when only four were eating.

A Stocked Pantry is the Key to Success

I always look at the week’s sales in the grocery store. Look for the sale items at the end of each aisle. While I always have my list handy, if I see a good deal, I try to figure out how and when I can use it in a future meal. For example, if you see chickpeas on sale, grab them and make hummus before the kids get home. Everyone loves a great snack before running off to soccer practice.

Remaining on a realistic food budget and providing healthy food for your family go hand in hand. With a little planning, recipe gathering, and thoughtful food shopping, your dinner repertoire will come together easier than you might anticipate.

Home Cooking Description: A family preparing a healthy meal together in the kitchen.


With a bit of planning and organization, you can develop a home cooking habit that fits into your busy schedule and budget. By shopping with purpose, prepping ahead of time, keeping recipes simple, utilizing leftovers, and maintaining a stocked pantry, you can provide healthy and cost-effective meals for your family every night.

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