Life hacks

Can You Get Life Insurance with a Naloxone Prescription?

06/28/2024 Jose S Garcia

Table contents

Explore the challenges and solutions for obtaining life insurance with a naloxone prescription. Learn how documentation and doctor’s letters can help and understand the potential future changes in insurance underwriting practices.

Can You Get Life Insurance with a Naloxone Prescription?


Naloxone is a life-saving drug that can temporarily reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. Despite its importance, having a naloxone prescription might complicate getting life insurance. This guide explores the challenges and offers solutions for those who carry naloxone, whether for personal use or as a precaution for others.

The Importance of Naloxone

Surgeon General Jerome Adams has emphasized that knowing how to use naloxone can save lives. With opioid overdoses causing over 42,000 deaths in 2016, naloxone is a critical tool in combating this crisis. However, carrying naloxone can be perceived differently by life insurers. Image Description: Infographic showing the life-saving importance of naloxone in reversing opioid overdoses.

Challenges in Obtaining Life Insurance

Life insurance companies review applicants' medical histories, including prescriptions, as part of the underwriting process. A naloxone prescription might signal opioid addiction treatment to underwriters, potentially leading to declined applications. Health care practitioners and others who carry naloxone for emergency use also face these challenges. Image Description: Infographic explaining the underwriting process and challenges for applicants with naloxone prescriptions.

Legislative Concerns

Sen. Edward Markey of Massachusetts has expressed concerns about insurance coverage denial for those carrying naloxone for public health reasons. He argues that such practices could discourage the widespread availability of naloxone, ultimately costing lives. Image Description: Infographic summarizing legislative concerns regarding insurance coverage and naloxone prescriptions.

How to Get Coverage with a Naloxone Prescription

To improve your chances of obtaining life insurance:

  1. Documentation: Provide documentation showing that you carry naloxone for emergency use and not for personal addiction treatment.
  2. Doctor's Letter: Obtain a letter from your doctor confirming your use of naloxone.
  3. Shop Around: Different insurers may evaluate your application differently. A licensed life insurance agent can help navigate the process. Image Description: Infographic offering tips on obtaining life insurance with a naloxone prescription.

Future of Insurance Underwriting Practices

As naloxone use becomes more common, insurance companies may adjust their underwriting practices. The example of PreP, a drug preventing HIV infection, shows that insurer attitudes can change with increased understanding. Image Description: Infographic discussing the potential future changes in insurance underwriting practices.

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